RPLIDAR public SDK includes some simple demos to do fast evaulation: ultra_simple

The following command can be used to cross compile the SDK for arm-linux-gnueabihf targets: CROSS_COMPILE_PREFIX=arm-linux-gnueabihf. The Makefile system used by RPLIDAR public SDK support cross compiling. The Makefile compiles Release build by default, and you can also use make DEBUG=1 to compile Debug builds. Please make sure you have make and g++ installed, and then just invoke make in the root directory, you can get the compiled result at output/$PLATFORM/$SCHEME, such as output/Linux/Release. It contains the library as well as some demo applications. If you have Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 installed, just open sdk/workspaces/vc10/sdk_and_demo.sln, and compile. RPLIDAR SDK supports Windows, macOS and Linux by using Visual Studio 2010 projects and Makefile. The demo applications are licensed under GPLv3 license. The SDK itself is licensed under BSD 2-clause license. If you are just evaluating RPLIDAR, you can use Slamtec RoboStudio( ) (currently only support Windows) to do the evaulation. If you are using ROS (Robot Operating System), please use our open-source ROS node directly. This is the public SDK of RPLIDAR products in C++, and open-sourced under GPLv3 license. Slamtec RPLIDAR( ) series is a set of high-performance and low-cost LIDAR( ) sensors, which is the perfect sensor of 2D SLAM, 3D reconstruction, multi-touch, and safety applications. Slamtec RPLIDAR Public SDK for C++ Introduction Both the desktop and mobile application enable teams to collaborate and make faster decisions, speeding up the planning and design phase.思岚A1的github里的SDK其实很好读懂,每个函数清晰明了,可以直接调用,虽然是全英文,但是其实很好读懂的,不用不敢去弄。 The RobotStudio Augmented Reality Viewer enables you to visualize robots and solutions in a real environment or in a virtual room on any mobile device for free. RobotStudio Cloud enables individuals and teams to collaborate in real-time on robot cell designs from anywhere in the world, on any device.

The RobotStudio desktop version allows you to carry out programming and simulation without disturbing ongoing production. Enabling you to build, test and refine your robot installation in a virtual environment, this unique technology speeds up commissioning time and productivity by a magnitude.

Based on the best-in-class virtual controller technology, RobotStudio suite gives you full confidence that what you see on your screen matches how the robot will move in real life. RobotStudio® is the world’s most popular offline programming and simulation tool for robotic applications.